Inspiring Wellness
Through Transformation

Come Soar
With Us

Take Wing

unfold your heart

Carry Kindness

be transformed

Spread Grace

change the world

Fly Free

—On a Breath of Grace—

Welcome to the Breeze

—Soaring with a Mission—

CrossBreeze is a multi-faceted charity which seeks to, as our name suggests, create a flow on which the seeds of kindness and compassion can be carried and spread.

 Our mission is to bring together neighborhood partners to support happier well balanced families and individuals.

We seek to connect communities by inspiring wellness through educational programs, counseling services & healthcare grants+research. Through the building of therapeutic gardens we also hope to spread the healing gifts of nature.


offering counseling services to inspire healing change for healthier relationships with spiritual, psychological, social and physical well-being for all

Connecting Communities

With nature through supporting the building of butterfly gardens, with therapeutic benefit, educational and volunteer opportunities open to everyone


 Advocating for positive growth by Making Bucket Wishes Come Trueproviding resources for quality research, education & training of supportive based wellness programs in the healthcare community

“Make a Difference in the Life of a Wayward Soul”

The winds of compassion care not in which direction they blow, but only that they carry seeds of Love. Find a way to make a difference in the life of a wayward soul

Inspirational Butterfly Quotes

Learn about Butterflies and More..
Visit our Sister Sites listed on
 Our Story page 

Soar With Love

—Uplifting our Communities—

Shop CrossBreeze
Butterfly Gifts

Discover unique butterfly related gifts which are created for CrossBreeze Charities.

The Postcards from the Wing line features beautiful vintage style Butterfly Art made into postcards and garden seed packets…  find more Butterfly Art taking flight in orignal Music & Paintings …  explore Butterfly Quotes, Photography and more 

Shop on Etsy at White Butterfly Fund or at the CrossBreeze Shoppe

Painted Lady Live
Butterfly Larve Kits


Charity Blooms

Whisper to the heart, Stir a movement of Grace

Love Begets Love

flourish acts of kindness

Treasure of Heart

shared with the lonely

Seeds of Compassion

sprinkled to those in need

Fly away from daily stresses while coloring and journaling, taking inspiration from the natural beauty of butterflies showcased in this beautiful new coloring book-journal.

Meditations on Butterflies: A Coloring and Hand-Lettering Activity Journal & Butterfly Gift Book

Meditations on Butterflies features 26 stunning North American butterfly species, from A to Z, for coloring book fans to color and complete. Readers will learn their beautiful winged markings, practice simple calligraphy, and enjoy inspiring nature quotes.

Order your copy Now
We thank you for Helping CrossBreeze to Soar !!!

Winged Inspiration Through Song

Music for the Soul


Nature & Community


Butterfly Gardens


People & Environment